My Co-Workers

Monday, April 21, 2008

she aint heavy....

Ok, so maybe I'm taking this song title thing a little too far, but.....

Is this you?

It sure is me right now....

Here is the deal. I've been trying to get pregnant since Sept 2005 to no avail. I know I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), so this complicates things. Not only do I not have regular cycles when I'm not taking fertility drugs or birth control, but I also have a terrible time losing weight (very common in PCOS women).

Why am I going into all of this? My friend over at thepaynechatelaine wrote in her blog today and really captured what I and so many other's feel about the shape we have found our bodies in lately.

Here is what I'm proposing - let's start a weight loss support group? Are you interested, let me know - we can all support each other and we can also be accountable to each other. If you are game, let me know..... My personal weightloss goal - 30 lbs - what is yours?

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