Here is what happened to me.
Woke up to alarm at 5:45, realized that I was still sick (had been
battling sinus
gunkiness all weekend). Found my blackberry and emailed my office that I'd be late. Silly me thinking I'd be able to rest for a couple extra hours. 6:00
Wildhairman gets out of bed, into the shower and then into the kitchen to make his morning cup of
joe. 6:30
Wildhairboy, who has decided he must sleep on the floor in my bedroom, wakes up to his Nintendo
DS alarm - he was so excited that it finally worked. 6:35
commotion in the living room -
Wildhairman in bathroom - water running. 6:40
Wildhairman comes in to alert me that he just spilled piping hot coffee all over his belly - it
didnt look good. 7:00 first argument whether we should go to ER; 7:20 second argument
ensued - he just
didnt want to go. 7:30 drop off
Wildhairboy at school, came home and
Wildhairman met me at the door - he was ready to go.
By 7:50 we were in a bay and being seen by nurse. Dr comes in
promises pain shot and
tetanus shot - throughout the whole ordeal, I
dont realize that I'm not feeling well, and it's not getting
any better. By 8:25
Wildhairman riling in pain getting bandaged (2
nd degree burns), and I'm in a cold sweat trying to not pass out or throw up or do both. Next thing I know I'm in a room down the hall laying on my back with a wet cloth on my head.
By 9:30 we were on our way home - me a little embarrassed, and
Wildhairman happily
doped up on
hydrocodone. And here is where we will stay for the day.